Singleness is ordained selfishness. Someone said this to me this morning and it stuck with me. I began to think about how often we compare ourselves with so many others and we look at what “they” have saying, “I wish I had that”, not knowing the bliss or misery that may have occurred during their journey. Or what about the dream that we’ve been praying for? Maybe it hasn’t happened yet. Very often the waiting
I was watching TV yesterday, and a Summer’s Eve commercial came on promoting a special Valentines Day package. LOL It was a like a “smell good down there for the special day”.…Order now! Obviously we are in a world of where sexin’ outside of marriage is widely accepted and to make this clear I am in no way coming to you on the “I’m holier than you” kick. LOL However, it caught my attention because

January 29, 2018

Respect YOUR Process

God’s promises are irrevocable! His word has restrictions and will not return to Him void! You’ll receive His Promise by the power of His word!Everything doesn’t deserve an Amen! Listen before you open your mouth! After the Amen is fulfillment. Some things are on hold because our life is not an Amen! We’re stuck because we are resistant. Never say No to God! Your desire must submit to the sovereignty of God! You’ve been dreaming

January 17, 2018

Day Declaration:

I am happy. I have peace. A peace that surpasses all. An internal peace that is greater than any distraction, irritating person, disturbing news, or non-sunny circumstance. I am prosperous mentally and I am not an emotional wreck. I am not bullied by my feelings or driven by happenstance. Again, I am not driven by feelings. There’s no flaky part to me. Everything about me is whole, secure, and solid! I declare this with the
I celebrate this leader. He was obviously timeless. We’ve become a “woke” generation neglecting moments to exercise our rights. Now we have a racist leader in office. Not to say we’re the blame. However, I’d think you’d be proud Dr. King. African American men and women are owning businesses left and right. We’re getting degrees and working in more diverse environments. I’m glad to be apart of a people who have fought for something and