So, I’ve been doing some serious planning and thinking. I stay looking at my money making sure I don’t go below a certain amount. I’m a cheerful giver to the kingdom (my church, other ministries, and people). I’ve not seen myself broke in a while. It just gets tight! lol Since I’ve applied some techniques that my grandfather and father has taught me I’ve been saving pretty good to fund certain parts of my business.
How many times have I fallen in love with a Ghost? Texting and having a time space of an hour in the middle of conversations. Making plans and not hearing from them. How many times have I fallen in love with what’s not really there? How many times have I fallen in love with the idea of loving, and receiving from, this person but it never really happens? Seeing their name on social media but

November 28, 2017

Help, I’m Homeless!

Yesterday I was in Whole Foods for a quick lunch. I landed and had traveled for three days. After all of the moving, I get car sick often. So, while being in Whole Foods I thought to myself, “I just need to be still for a second…” I told Jennifer while fixing my to-go plate that “I’d like to eat here rather than going back to our rooms because I’m a bit nauseous.” She said,
In all honesty, life has hardened me more than I’d care to admit or could’ve imagined. My sense of humor isn’t what it once was and my sweetness has become somewhat lemony. But with you I learn more and more about how to be a better me. I have come to understand what matters and to leave things with the Lord as opposed to overly obsessing about that which I cannot change. When you tell
I had to grow up and learn that every woman who is single isn’t miserable. Some of us are single by choice and not by her not being wanted. The level of focus and freedom that has come with my singleness is quite liberating. Your relationship status doesn’t define your value or level of wisdom. To be without the pressure of feeling the need to have a man, is beyond refreshing. Do we want to